About Ziv Spinal

Ziv Spinal is home to certified Spinal Flow practitioner, Rachel Z, who was drawn to this incredible technique after a similar modality helped to reverse her son’s autoimmune condition. Combined with changes to his diet, he now shows no trace of the disease.

Wanting to help others in a similar way, she left behind a successful career in the corporate world and immersed herself in the realm of health and healing.

Rachel has strong convictions about the all-too-forgotten 6 best doctors in the world:

  • sunshine
  • water
  • rest
  • air
  • exercise
  • diet

Having seen the profound positive physical, mental and emotional changes that people experience after receiving Spinal Flow healing sessions, Rachel is committed to bringing this life-changing practice to as many lives as possible.

She currently specialises in Spinal Flow for women and children, and has a particular passion for working with children with chronic illness.

For more information, see Spinal FlowOr, book a session now.    

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